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Prepping for the Spring Conference

The Iowa ACAC Spring Conference is rapidly approaching! We look forward to you joining us May 19-20 at Prairie Meadows in Altoona, IA! 
The Conference Planning Committee wants to give you an update on how you can prepare for the conference with a dos and don’ts list!

*Wear your college gear on Sunday.
*Bring your own nametag to save trees. (We will not have a nametag for you at the conference.)
*Purchase raffle tickets at check in.
*Arrive by 2pm Sunday for the Welcome and NACAC Speaker.
*Check into your hotel room after the Keynote Speaker
*Attend the social at The Foundry, to socialize and network. They have awesome food trucks for you to enjoy dinner there as well.

*Don’t miss out on this amazing opportunity! Register today at:

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